Friday, August 14, 2009

First Day of School

Ashton and Maddie started back to Mother's Day Out, which we just refer to as school on Tuesday. They were excited to get back in to things and play with their friends. Ashton got Miss Betty again this year and he is thrilled with that. He is a little like me and doesn't like a lot of change. Maddie, however, got Miss Leslie and she did pretty good. She isn't one to just warm up to anybody right off the bat, but she has done well this week for us. I'm excited. I enjoy my Tuesday/Wednesday breaks and was ready to get back to it. LOL.

Maddie's teacher sent me this picture of her class on the first day playing in what they call the Tree Room. Notice Maddie isn't with her little girlfriends she knows, she is with the boys that are new to her class this year. Daddy wasn't too thrilled with that.

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