Friday, May 20, 2011

WEE Fun Day

Thursday was Maddie's last day of preschool and they hosted their version of field day, WEE fun day. Maddie was so excited about it. Here is a great picture of her running to me when she saw that I had gotten there! Let me just tell you, that girl knows just how to tug on my heart strings!

Maddie and Jaden, little best friends

We had lunch outside at the picnic tables and then popsicles. As you can see, Maddie was enjoying her pink one. :-)

After lunch, it was off to some painting. They stuck large sheets of drafting paper on the fence and let the kids go to town.

The kids loved the painting and Maddie was wearing more on her back and in her hair than I think she got to put on the sheets of paper.

On the way back inside, Miss Rhonda had the kids put on their "kindergarten goggles" and this was Maddie putting on hers. It was cute!

Maddie sitting on the rug on her animal and then it was off to centers which they got to pick themselves for the last day. Of course Maddie chose the kitchen (her fave) with all her little girlfriends.

Maddie and Jaden, rarely separates unless they are forced! We loved our year at WEE school this year, but excited about what is to come for our little Maddie!

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